Rise and Fall – Ten years after 9/11/01



September 11, 2011 – Rise and Fall of Kingdoms – Daniel 2:44




“ … the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed.”  Daniel 2:44




Ten years ago today four large airplanes were hijacked and sent to destroy the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and the White House.  Three of those four planes crashed into their targets, and the fourth crashed into the earth in Pennsylvania.  More than three thousand people were killed by this brutal act of terror.


About twenty-seven hundred years ago Nebuchadnezzar, the leader of the most powerful nation on earth at that time, had a dream about a statue that came crashing to the ground much like the World Trade Centers did.  A Jewish honor student named Daniel received a picture of the same dream from God, as well as an interpretation of the dream.  Daniel told the king that the statue represented four great world empires that from the days of Nebuchadnezzar (6th century BC) to the completion of the current age.  It was a panoramic prophecy of history.




Twenty-six centuries have passed since the dream and its interpretation.  Human history has proven the validity of the dream and the explanation.


Once decade has passed since the World Trade Center buildings roared as they crashed to the ground.  Building rise and fall.  The new World Trade Center building will be the tallest in the Western hemisphere – a symbolic 1776 feet. 


Economies rise and fall.  Nations rise and fall.  Leaders rise and fall.


Through it all, some people, some modern day Daniels, understand that God is in the process of setting up a kingdom that will never be destroyed or replaced.  They are aware of the fact that history is truly His-story.  One and only one government will rise but never fall.




Thank you God for reminding me on this 9/11 that you are ultimately in charge of human history, and since you are in charge of my life, you’re in charge of my history as well.


Please bring comfort to those who lost loved ones ten years ago.  Soothe their aching hearts.  Please bring peace to the heart of people who are troubled by the question of where history is going.  Help those of us who know the King of the everlasting kingdom to introduce him to them.  After all, history is His-story.



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