Was the Word (John 1:1)

Life-spark: Certain words actually contain contagious aliveness. John 1:1

I love words.

Words are the most amazing things. They’re pregnant with ideas. They’re walnuts waiting to be cracked open.

This man John, in his Book of Life, talks about the most alive person that has ever left footprints on this planet. He calls that person “the Word.” He says something startling about this Living Word. He says that Word already was when everything and everyone else wasn’t yet.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. John 1:1, NIV

“Was.” Now there’s a word! It’s an existence word. To say that someone was means they existed. Things that want to exist must choose one or more of the three time categories: was, is, or will be.

John says that when all of creation was in the “will be” category, this “Word” already existed. This “Word” evidently filled all three time categories at once. His “I am” was so strong that it seeped into and filled up the “I was” category and the “I will be” category as well.

“Word.” Now there’s a word! I understand that John’s book was written in Greek, and that the Greek word for “Word” is Logos (usually pronounced like “log” and “os” as in “lost”). I read somewhere that “logos” is related to the English word “logic.”

So, if I’ve got this straight, there’s some kind of Logic, or Idea, or Purpose, or Meaning at the root of everything that was, is or will be. Now the idea of the Ultimate Idea becoming a person is one radical idea! What kind of Idea-ator dreamed that one up?

One minute Life-question: What is your favorite word, and what ideas are in that word?

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