Heart Trouble

Life Spark: Ask Jesus to lead you to life. (John 14:1-14)

Bearing down on the completion of His mission, Jesus spoke to His disciples about going to a special place that could only be reached a certain way. Thomas panicked:

“Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?” (John 14:5, NIV)

Imagine that you’re in your car in an unfamiliar metropolis. You’re following a city-dweller friend to his apartment. You’re right on his tail because if you lose him, you’re lost. Just then your dad, sitting in the back seat of your car, has a heart attack. You know there is a hospital somewhere nearby, so you honk at your buddy and he pulls over. You yell, “Dad is having a heart attack, show me the way to the hospital!” Your friend actually becomes ‘the way’ to the hospital for you.

For those wanting to go to the special place Jesus talked about, He is not only the life of that place, He is the way to that place.

Thomas felt like Jesus ran a yellow light and left the disciples stranded at the intersection facing a red light. Fortunately for the disciples, Jesus pulled over and waited on the side of the road until the light changed. He waited because, like your friend from the city, He is the way to place of life.

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6, NIV)

If you prize life and you pursue life, there is a place you want to reach and a way you need to go. Stay close to Jesus. If you do, you will always be moving toward the place where He shares eternal life with the Father. The place is ultimate, indestructible aliveness. And when you get there, you will see that Jesus is not only the way to get there; He is also the Life you receive when you get there. He is both the journey and the destination. He is zoe life.

Life-question: Is there any area of your life where you need to follow Jesus more closely? How can you do that?

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