A Book of Life

I caught a bullfrog once. I used a fishing pole with monofilament line. On the end of the line was a huge red and white golf-ball-sized bobber, with a hook attached to it. I cast the bobber out in front of the frog and wiggled it. He looked at the wiggling bobber, and looked, and looked, and finally leaped. He opened his mouth as big as Rhode Island, and swallowed the bobber.

His appetite was enormous and his legs were delicious.

You might have the appetite of a bullfrog, but you can’t swallow a whole life at once. That’s why we have years. And months. And days. And hours. And minutes.

Would you be willing to invest five minutes a day learning how to me more alive?

If that sounds inviting, let’s dive into the gospel of John together. It’s a book about life. It’s all about how to live deeper, higher, fuller, sweeter, richer than before. It is a book about the most-alive person who has ever left a footprint on this planet. In him was life. (John 1:4a, NIV).

The book written by John, the fourth book of the New Testament of the Bible, tells us how to get the ‘life’ that is in Jesus Christ into us.

Signs of Life breaks the book of John into five minute, bite-sized truths about aliveness. Each page of Signs of Life, based on just a few words from the book of John, will end with a personal invitation – a challenge to invest one minute in thinking about a life-question, a life-concept, a life-challenge, or a life-action.

My hope is that each five-minute investment will yield a rich return on the other fourteen-hundred and thirty-five minutes of that day. As a matter of fact, the bottom-line return on your investment might exceed your wildest dreams: Richer, larger, better life. 24/7 … 365 … forever.


Life-action: Get your hands on a Bible and decide the time that you will invest five minutes daily into becoming more alive.

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