Come And See


Life spark: Live a “come and see” life. (John 1:39-46)

Andrew was a disciple of John the Baptist. When John called Jesus “the Lamb of God,” Andrew and a friend began to tail Jesus like two detectives. Sensing He was being followed, Jesus turned and asked them point blank what they wanted. They said they wanted to know where He lived. “’Come,’ he replied, ‘and you will see.’” (John 1:39, NIV)

In my grade school years my dad showed me how to line up dominoes and then push the first one over. I began to understand the idea of a chain reaction. When Jesus said “come and see,” He initiated a chain reaction of contagious aliveness. The two disciples spent the day with Him and evidently liked what they saw because Andrew went and got his brother Peter and told Him, “We’ve found the one we’ve been looking for, the Messiah.” Peter came and saw for himself.

The next day Jesus found another potential disciple named Phillip from the same town as Andrew and asked him to tag along too. The dominoes were falling. Phillip called on his friend Nathanael and told Him about Jesus of Nazareth. “’Nazareth! Can anything good come from there?’ Nathanael asked. ‘Come and see,’ said Philip.” (John 1:46, NIV)

A friend of mine from high school was a very gifted athlete. His life was wrapped up in sports. Then he got bone cancer and lost a leg. His life took a nosedive. He was bitter, angry, hopeless and dangerous. One day he was reading the local newspaper and he saw a picture of a girl who had a light in her eyes that totally caught his attention. “I’m going to find out what makes a person’s eyes shine like that.” He found out that she was a Christ-follower, and after some research, he decided to become a Christ-disciple as well. Her eyes just said, “Come and see.”

You can live a “come and see” life. You don’t have to be a theologian to point people to Jesus. You don’t have to be an arm-wrestler. Just say, “Come and see.”

Life-challenge: Ask God to let His aliveness shine in your eyes today. Ask the Holy Spirit to remind you three times today to ‘lighten up.’


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